The mistake that most of us make is thinking that a vacation is a luxury that we cannot afford. The reality, is that in a world that has become increasingly more stressful, a scheduled break from the hustle and bustle of our day-to-day lives is more of a necessity than a luxury. Taking the time to unplug, put away our phones, close our email, and connect with ourselves and our families, can make the difference between long-term success and permanent burnout. Here are a few reasons to pencil in regular vacations as part of your routine.
- Your Mental Health Needs a Break. We all know that day-to-day stressors can build up and have a negative impact on our physical health. Poor eating habits, sitting for long periods of time, and the pressure of trying to keep up with deadlines, takes its toll. Did you know how bad stress can be for your emotional and psychological well-being as well? Taking a vacation allows you to let go of the work-related stress and anxiety that you might be experiencing. It gives your psyche a moment to take a breath, gives you the opportunity to correct a poor sleep schedule and allows you to take a break from the caffeine induced auto-pilot to which many of us adhere.
- To Increase Your Sense of Well-being. Many of us take a job with the idea that it will tide us over until we find the job of our dreams. Fast forward twenty years and we are still in that starter job, dreaming of the one we never had the opportunity to pursue. While we pour all our energy into the work thinking that we will eventually get to the goal, we allow our personal lives to get pushed to the back burner. Vacation allows us to take a break, focus on what really matters, and give ourselves (and our loved ones) some much needed attention.
- Hit the Reset Button. A good vacation offers you the opportunity to not only get some quality rest and relaxation, but also the chance to reset and refresh your brain. So many of us are overworked and running on fumes, not even realizing how quickly we are burning ourselves out. A vacation, no matter how small, allows you the opportunity to step back, pause, and come back with a refreshed point of view.
This is a short list of reasons why you it’s a good idea to take a break from time-to-time. So, grab your flips flops, your favorite book, and head out for some fun in the sun.
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